Economic Renewal Made America

l present comprehensive plans for the national and NY economy. From outsourcing to clean energy industries to restoring domestic manufacturing, here is a long-term plan to bring job growth and independence from foreign supply chains.

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Race Attacks & Crime

Attacks and threats to Jews, Asian Americans and African-Americans shockingly increase. Mentally ill and dangerous people roam the streets. Restoring safe streets and subways will take more than merely tweaking bail. My congressional opponent is oddly silent on crime and race attacks. We need policing that respects civil rights, handles crime, and requires judges to set bail that won’t allow dangerous people to remain at large. We also witness increased mass shootings. I am prepared to take action to protect your safety. Please study my proposals below.

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Covid Legacy

Viruses die or mutate quickly, often within weeks. COVID mutated many times and it’s not the killer it was years ago. I see fearful people in my district who wear masks. We need to repair psychological damage and allow medical science to further study “long Covid” and the many people who suffer from it. I am one of them. I developed painful feet problems soon after I got the vaccine. It remains a problem. There are many people like me who deserve research on our behalf. I will encourage NIH and FDA research into “long Covid” and ways to help people suffering from it. I will also address irrational attacks on standard vaccines like measles, smallpox and polio.

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