Economic Renewal Made America

I present comprehensive plans for the national and NY economy. From outsourcing to clean energy industries to restoring domestic manufacturing, here is a long-term plan to bring job growth and independence from foreign supply chains.

Manufacturing(A powerful plan is in the “outsourcing” section below – check it out!) Products from stoves to microchips to long-lost basics (like medical supplies) must be made here. Covid showed how vulnerable we are when products are made abroad. Our country is also vulnerable to rare earths coming from China - ores important to technologies like batteries and cell phones. We must restore Rare Earth mines as a matter of national security. We must be in the cutting edge in technologies of the future like car batteries, solar panels and clean energy products. Make sure they are produced by American workers  “Made in America” must be permanent policy. Underlying causes for millions of Americans watching their quality of life decline requires restoration of U.S. manufacturing. This must be a priority.

Trade & Economic IndependenceRestoring lost industries and countless jobs requires better trade agreements, tax incentives and punitive tariffs to reduce an ominous trade deficits.  Economists estimate each billion in trade deficit brings thousands of lost jobs. If China and others want access to U.S. markets, our companies must sell equal amounts  there.

Jobs & Immigration.  Please note the below except from the respected Center for Immigration Studies:

“… too many U.S.-born are missing out on the supposed “job-creation boom.” It is true that the country has added millions of jobs since the height of Covid. However, most of that employment growth has gone to immigrants, both legal and illegal. The government’s household survey shows that there were only 971,000 more U.S.-born Americans employed in May 2024 compared to May 2019 prior to the pandemic, while the number of employed immigrants has increased by 3.2 million.”

The message is clear. Job growth is often illusory. If only 25% of newly created jobs went to American citizens, growth is not what we thought it was. Immigration is part of the problem and the need for major immigration reform and protectIo of needs of American citizens must be part of economic policies.

Protect Dollar as Currency Reserve. The health of the American dollar as international currency reserve is crucial to economic vitality. Our economic enemies, namely Russia and China, are taking actions to undermine the dollar. The economic analysis is complicated, too lengthy for purposes here, but our government must take firm action to protect the dollar else we may face economic setbacks in years to come.

Virus-Killing Technology. Ensure safety now and post-Covid. Install virus-killing UVC ventilation in subways, schools, buses, elevators, etc. Gifting UVC technology to businesses is cheaper than years-long lost tax revenue from a failing economy. Let businesses display the sign "UVC Virus-Killing Ventilation” to restore tourism and confidence in safety.

Corporations & Needed Taxes.  Corporations provide tax revenue. Extremists maligning corporations pave the way for a disastrous tax collapse if Wall Street exits or tourists fueling hotels and restaurants fear visiting. We are harmed when politicians needlessly attack corporations funding government and schools.

Mom & Pop Businesses. Restore local businesses to where they were before Covid, ruined by no fault of their own. Rent help and no-interest loans must be offered without time-wasting red tape. Prioritize small business owners who live in the city. They deserve government help to compete with corporate giants like Amazon.

Unemployment. People collecting unemployment, motivated by increased payments, can work part-time using skills they have: tutor students, clean parks or NYCHA facilities, clear graffiti, etc.

Solar & Tidal/Hydro Energy Job Creation. A bold economic plan: solar panels and batteries on EVERY rooftop in NYC within 10 years and government programs to make it happen. Promote tidal/hydro energy from sea tides for clean energy. Sell such technology nationwide and internationally. Massive jobs creation: NYC factories building equipment, offices in our city, technical training in vocational public schools.  Let NY be a place of real progress.  Talk the talk with bold action and a plan.